import EventEmitter from "eventemitter3"; import { calculatePinchZoom, calculateTouchMidPoint, getTouchDistance, } from "./lib/pinch.utils"; import { checkZoomBounds, handleCalculateZoomPositions, } from "./lib/zoom.utils"; import { Panning } from "./lib/panning.utils"; interface TransformState { /** * Zoom scale * * < 0 : zoomed out * > 0 : zoomed in */ scale: number; /** * X position of canvas */ x: number; /** * Y position of canvas */ y: number; } interface Flags { /** * If CSS Zoom is used * * CSS Zoom is not supported on Firefox, as it's not a standard * But on iOS, is fuzzy (ignoring other css rules) when transform: scale()'d up * * @see */ useZoom: boolean; } interface TouchState { /** * Timestamp of last touch */ lastTouch: number | null; /** * Distance between each finger when pinch starts */ pinchStartDistance: number | null; /** * previous distance between each finger */ lastDistance: number | null; /** * scale when pinch starts */ pinchStartScale: number | null; /** * middle coord of pinch */ pinchMidpoint: { x: number; y: number } | null; } interface MouseState { /** * timestamp of mouse down */ mouseDown: number | null; } interface ISetup { /** * Scale limits * [minimum scale, maximum scale] */ scale: [number, number]; } // TODO: move these event interfaces out export interface ClickEvent { clientX: number; clientY: number; } export interface HoverEvent { clientX: number; clientY: number; } export interface ViewportMoveEvent { scale: number; x: number; y: number; } interface PanZoomEvents { doubleTap: (e: TouchEvent) => void; click: (e: ClickEvent) => void; hover: (e: HoverEvent) => void; viewportMove: (e: ViewportMoveEvent) => void; } export class PanZoom extends EventEmitter { public $wrapper: HTMLDivElement = null as any; public $zoom: HTMLDivElement = null as any; public $move: HTMLDivElement = null as any; public transform: TransformState; public touch: TouchState; public mouse: MouseState; public setup: ISetup; public flags: Flags; public panning: Panning; constructor() { super(); this.transform = { scale: 1, x: 0, y: 0, }; this.touch = { lastTouch: null, pinchStartDistance: null, lastDistance: null, pinchStartScale: null, pinchMidpoint: null, }; this.mouse = { mouseDown: null, }; this.panning = new Panning(this); this.setup = { scale: [1, 50], }; this.flags = { useZoom: false, }; } initialize( $wrapper: HTMLDivElement, $zoom: HTMLDivElement, $move: HTMLDivElement ) { this.$wrapper = $wrapper; this.$zoom = $zoom; this.$move = $move; this.detectFlags(); this.registerMouseEvents(); this.registerTouchEvents(); } detectFlags() { // Pxls/resources/public/include/helpers.js let haveZoomRendering = false; let haveImageRendering = false; const webkitBased = navigator.userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit/i); const iOSSafari = navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/i) && webkitBased; const desktopSafari = navigator.userAgent.match(/safari/i) && !navigator.userAgent.match(/chrome/i); const msEdge = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Edge") > -1; const possiblyMobile = window.innerWidth < 768 && navigator.userAgent.includes("Mobile"); if (iOSSafari) { const iOS = parseFloat( ( "" + (/CPU.*OS ([0-9_]{1,5})|(CPU like).*AppleWebKit.*Mobile/i.exec( navigator.userAgent ) || [0, ""])[1] ) .replace("undefined", "3_2") .replace("_", ".") .replace("_", "") ) || false; haveImageRendering = false; if (iOS && iOS >= 11) { haveZoomRendering = true; } } else if (desktopSafari) { haveImageRendering = false; haveZoomRendering = true; } if (msEdge) { haveImageRendering = false; } this.flags.useZoom = haveZoomRendering; } registerTouchEvents() { this.$wrapper.addEventListener( "touchstart", (event) => { const isDoubleTap = this.touch.lastTouch && +new Date() - this.touch.lastTouch < 200; if (isDoubleTap && event.touches.length === 1) { this.emit("doubleTap", event); } else { this.touch.lastTouch = +new Date(); const { touches } = event; const isPanningAction = touches.length === 1; const isPinchAction = touches.length === 2; if (isPanningAction) { this.panning.start(touches[0].clientX, touches[0].clientY); } if (isPinchAction) { this.onPinchStart(event); } } }, { passive: false } ); this.$wrapper.addEventListener("touchmove", (event) => { if (this.panning.enabled && event.touches.length === 1) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); const touch = event.touches[0]; this.panning.move(touch.clientX, touch.clientY); } else if (event.touches.length > 1) { this.onPinch(event); } }); this.$wrapper.addEventListener("touchend", (event) => { if (this.panning.enabled) { this.panning.enabled = false; const touch = event.changedTouches[0]; this.panning.end(touch.clientX, touch.clientY); } }); } /// ///// // pinch /// ///// onPinchStart(event: TouchEvent) { const distance = getTouchDistance(event); this.touch.pinchStartDistance = distance; this.touch.lastDistance = distance; this.touch.pinchStartScale = this.transform.scale; this.panning.enabled = false; } onPinch(event: TouchEvent) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); const { scale } = this.transform; // one finger started from outside the wrapper if (this.touch.pinchStartDistance === null) return; let el: HTMLElement = document.body; // switch ( // (document.getElementById("test-flag")! as HTMLSelectElement).value // ) { // case "body": // el = document.body; // break; // case "wrapper": // el = this.$wrapper; // break; // case "move": // el = this.$move; // break; // default: // case "zoom": // el = this.$zoom; // break; // } const midPoint = calculateTouchMidPoint(this, event, scale, el); if (!Number.isFinite(midPoint.x) || !Number.isFinite(midPoint.y)) return; const currentDistance = getTouchDistance(event); const newScale = calculatePinchZoom(this, currentDistance); if (newScale === scale) return; // const { x, y } = handleCalculateZoomPositions( // this, // midPoint.x, // midPoint.y, // newScale // ); this.touch.pinchMidpoint = midPoint; this.touch.lastDistance = currentDistance; this.debug(midPoint.x, midPoint.y, "midpoint"); // TODO: this might be css zoom specific, I have no way to test this this.transform.x = midPoint.x / newScale - midPoint.x / scale; this.transform.y = midPoint.y / newScale - midPoint.x / scale; this.transform.scale = newScale; this.update(); } debug(x: number, y: number, id?: string) { // if (document.getElementById("debug-" + id)) { // document.getElementById("debug-" + id)! = y + "px"; // document.getElementById("debug-" + id)!.style.left = x + "px"; // return; // } // let el = document.createElement("div"); // if (id) = "debug-" + id; // el.classList.add("debug-point"); //"top", y + "px"); //"left", x + "px"); // document.body.appendChild(el); } registerMouseEvents() { // zoom this.$wrapper.addEventListener( "wheel", (e) => { // if (!self.allowDrag) return; const oldScale = this.transform.scale; let delta = -e.deltaY; switch (e.deltaMode) { case WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PIXEL: // 53 pixels is the default chrome gives for a wheel scroll. delta /= 53; break; case WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_LINE: // default case on Firefox, three lines is default number. delta /= 3; break; case WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_PAGE: delta = Math.sign(delta); break; } // TODO: move this to settings this.nudgeScale(delta / 2); const scale = this.transform.scale; if (oldScale !== scale) { const dx = e.clientX - this.$wrapper.clientWidth / 2; const dy = e.clientY - this.$wrapper.clientHeight / 2; this.transform.x -= dx / oldScale; this.transform.x += dx / scale; this.transform.y -= dy / oldScale; this.transform.y += dy / scale; this.update(); // place.update(); } }, { passive: true } ); this.$wrapper.addEventListener( "mousedown", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.mouse.mouseDown =; this.panning.start(e.clientX, e.clientY); }, { passive: false } ); // mouse move should not be tied to the element, in case the mouse exits the window document.addEventListener( "mousemove", (e) => { if (this.panning.enabled) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.panning.move(e.clientX, e.clientY); } else { // not panning this.emit("hover", { clientX: e.clientX, clientY: e.clientY, }); } }, { passive: false } ); // mouse up should not be tied to the element, in case the mouse releases outside of the window document.addEventListener( "mouseup", (e) => { if (this.mouse.mouseDown && - this.mouse.mouseDown <= 500) { // if the mouse was down for less than a half a second, it's a click // this can't depend on this.panning.enabled because that'll always be true when mouse is down const delta = [ Math.abs(this.panning.x - e.clientX), Math.abs(this.panning.y - e.clientY), ]; if (delta[0] < 5 && delta[1] < 5) { // difference from the start position to the up position is very very slow, // so it's most likely intended to be a click this.emit("click", { clientX: e.clientX, clientY: e.clientY, }); } } if (this.panning.enabled) { // currently panning e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.panning.end(e.clientX, e.clientY); } }, { passive: false } ); } update() { this.emit("viewportMove", { scale: this.transform.scale, x: this.transform.x, y: this.transform.y, }); if (this.flags.useZoom) { this.$"zoom", this.transform.scale * 100 + "%"); } else { this.$ "transform", `scale(${this.transform.scale})` ); } this.$ "transform", `translate(${this.transform.x}px, ${this.transform.y}px)` ); } cleanup() { // remove event handlers } // utilities nudgeScale(adj: number) { this.transform.scale = checkZoomBounds( this.transform.scale * 1.5 ** adj, this.setup.scale[0], this.setup.scale[1] ); } }