import { PanZoom } from "@sc07-canvas/lib/src/renderer/PanZoom"; import { Canvas } from "./canvas"; import throttle from "lodash.throttle"; import EventEmitter from "eventemitter3"; import { TemplateStyle, TemplateStyles } from "./template"; const CLIENT_PARAMS = { canvas_x: "x", canvas_y: "y", canvas_zoom: "zoom", template_url: "tu", template_width: "tw", template_x: "tx", template_y: "ty", template_style: "ts", }; export interface IRouterData { canvas?: { x: number; y: number; zoom?: number; }; template?: { url: string; width?: number; x?: number; y?: number; style?: TemplateStyle; }; } interface RouterEvents { navigate(route: IRouterData): void; } class _Router extends EventEmitter { PanZoom: PanZoom | undefined; // React TemplateContext templateState: { enabled: boolean; width?: number; x: number; y: number; url?: string; style: TemplateStyle; } = { enabled: false, x: 0, y: 0, style: "ONE_TO_ONE", }; constructor() { super(); window.addEventListener("hashchange", this._hashChange.bind(this)); } destroy() { // NOTE: this method *never* gets called because this is intended to be global window.removeEventListener("hashchange", this._hashChange.bind(this)); } _hashChange(e: HashChangeEvent) { const data = this.get();"[Router] Navigated", data); this.emit("navigate", data); } queueUpdate = throttle(this.update, 500); update() { const url = this.getURL(); if (!url) return; console.log("[Router] Updating URL", url); window.history.replaceState({}, "", url); } getURL() { const canvas = Canvas.instance; // this is not that helpful because the data is more spread out // this gets replaced by using TemplateContext data // const template = Template.instance; if (!canvas) { console.warn("Router#update called but no canvas instance exists"); return; } if (!this.PanZoom) { console.warn("Router#update called but no PanZoom instance exists"); } const params = new URLSearchParams(); const position = canvas.panZoomTransformToCanvas(); params.set(CLIENT_PARAMS.canvas_x, position.canvasX + ""); params.set(CLIENT_PARAMS.canvas_y, position.canvasY + ""); params.set( CLIENT_PARAMS.canvas_zoom, (this.PanZoom!.transform.scale >> 0) + "" ); if (this.templateState.enabled && this.templateState.url) { params.set(CLIENT_PARAMS.template_url, this.templateState.url + ""); if (this.templateState.width) params.set(CLIENT_PARAMS.template_width, this.templateState.width + ""); params.set(CLIENT_PARAMS.template_x, this.templateState.x + ""); params.set(CLIENT_PARAMS.template_y, this.templateState.y + ""); if ( params.set(CLIENT_PARAMS.template_style, + ""); } return ( window.location.protocol + "//" + + "/#" + params ); } /** * Parse the URL and return what was found, following specifications * There's no defaults, if it's not specified in the url, it's not specified in the return * * @returns */ get(): IRouterData { const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.hash.slice(1)); let canvas: | { x: number; y: number; zoom?: number; } | undefined = undefined; if ( params.has(CLIENT_PARAMS.canvas_x) && params.has(CLIENT_PARAMS.canvas_y) ) { // params exist, now to validate // x & y or nothing; zoom is optional let x = parseInt(params.get(CLIENT_PARAMS.canvas_x) || ""); let y = parseInt(params.get(CLIENT_PARAMS.canvas_y) || ""); if (!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y)) { // x & y are valid numbers canvas = { x, y, }; if (params.has(CLIENT_PARAMS.canvas_zoom)) { let zoom = parseInt(params.get(CLIENT_PARAMS.canvas_zoom) || ""); if (!isNaN(zoom)) { canvas.zoom = zoom; } } } } let template: | { url: string; width?: number; x?: number; y?: number; style?: TemplateStyle; } | undefined = undefined; if (params.has(CLIENT_PARAMS.template_url)) { const url = params.get(CLIENT_PARAMS.template_url)!; template = { url }; if (params.has(CLIENT_PARAMS.template_width)) { let width = parseInt(params.get(CLIENT_PARAMS.template_width) || ""); if (!isNaN(width)) { template.width = width; } } if ( params.has(CLIENT_PARAMS.template_x) && params.has(CLIENT_PARAMS.template_y) ) { // both x & y has to be set let x = parseInt(params.get(CLIENT_PARAMS.template_x) || ""); let y = parseInt(params.get(CLIENT_PARAMS.template_y) || ""); if (!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y)) { template.x = x; template.y = y; } } if (params.has(CLIENT_PARAMS.template_style)) { let style = params.get(CLIENT_PARAMS.template_style); if (style && TemplateStyles.indexOf(style) > -1) { = style as any; } } } return { canvas, template, }; } /** * Accept updates to local copy of TemplateContext from React * @param args */ setTemplate(args: { enabled: boolean; width?: number; x: number; y: number; url?: string; style: TemplateStyle; }) { this.templateState = args; } } export const Router = new _Router();