import EventEmitter from "eventemitter3"; type RCanvas = HTMLCanvasElement | OffscreenCanvas; type RContext = OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D | CanvasRenderingContext2D; export type CanvasPixel = { x: number; y: number; hex: string; }; const isWorker = () => { return ( // @ts-ignore typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== "undefined" && // @ts-ignore self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope ); }; export interface RendererEvents { ready: () => void; } export type CanvasRole = "main" | "blank"; /** * Generic renderer * * Can be instansiated inside worker or on the main thread */ export class CanvasRenderer extends EventEmitter { private canvas: RCanvas = undefined as any; private ctx: RContext = undefined as any; private dimentions = { width: 0, height: 0, }; private blank?: RCanvas; private blank_ctx?: RContext; /** * Pixels that need to be drawn next draw call * * Key = x,y (eg 0,0) */ private pixels: Map = new Map(); /** * Every pixel * * Key = x,y (eg 0,0) */ private allPixels: Map = new Map(); private isWorker = isWorker(); private _stopRender = false; constructor() { super(); console.log("[CanvasRenderer] Initialized", { isWorker: this.isWorker }); } useCanvas(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement | OffscreenCanvas, role: CanvasRole) { console.log("[CanvasRenderer] Received canvas reference for " + role); let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")! as any; if (!ctx) { throw new Error("Unable to get canvas context for " + role); } canvas.width = this.dimentions.width; canvas.height = this.dimentions.height; switch (role) { case "main": this.canvas = canvas; this.ctx = ctx; break; case "blank": this.blank = canvas; this.blank_ctx = ctx; break; } } removeCanvas(role: CanvasRole) { switch (role) { case "main": throw new Error("Cannot remove main canvas"); case "blank": this.blank = undefined; this.blank_ctx = undefined; break; } } usePixels(pixels: CanvasPixel[], replace = false) { for (const pixel of pixels) { this.usePixel(pixel); } } usePixel(pixel: CanvasPixel) { let key = pixel.x + "," + pixel.y; this.pixels.set(key, pixel.hex); this.allPixels.set(key, pixel.hex); } startRender() { console.log("[CanvasRenderer] Started rendering loop"); this._stopRender = false; this.tryDrawFull(); this.tryDrawBlank(); this.renderLoop(); } stopRender() { console.log("[CanvasRenderer] Stopped rendering loop"); // used when not in worker // kills the requestAnimationFrame loop this._stopRender = true; } private tryDrawFull() { if (this._stopRender) return; if (this.ctx) { this.drawFull(); } else { requestAnimationFrame(() => this.tryDrawFull()); } } private tryDrawBlank() { if (this._stopRender) return; if (this.blank_ctx) { this.drawBlank(); setTimeout(() => requestAnimationFrame(() => this.tryDrawBlank()), 1000); } else { requestAnimationFrame(() => this.tryDrawBlank()); } } private renderLoop() { if (this._stopRender) return; if (this.ctx) { this.draw(); } else { console.warn("[CanvasRenderer#renderLoop] has no canvas context"); } requestAnimationFrame(() => this.renderLoop()); } private drawTimes: number[] = []; /** * Draw canvas * * This should be done using differences */ draw() { const start =; const pixels = new Map(this.pixels); this.pixels.clear(); if (pixels.size) { console.log("[CanvasRenderer#draw] drawing " + pixels.size + " pixels"); } for (const [x_y, hex] of pixels) { const x = parseInt(x_y.split(",")[0]); const y = parseInt(x_y.split(",")[1]); this.ctx.fillStyle = hex === "null" ? "#fff" : "#" + hex; this.ctx.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1); } const diff = - start; this.drawTimes = this.drawTimes.slice(0, 300); const drawavg = this.drawTimes.length > 0 ? this.drawTimes.reduce((a, b) => a + b) / this.drawTimes.length : 0; if (diff > 0) this.drawTimes.push(diff); if (diff > drawavg) { console.warn( `canvas#draw took ${diff} ms (> avg: ${drawavg} ; ${this.drawTimes.length} samples)` ); } } /** * fully draw canvas */ private drawFull() { // --- main canvas --- this.ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; this.ctx.globalAlpha = 1; // clear canvas this.ctx.fillStyle = "#fff"; this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); for (const [x_y, hex] of this.allPixels) { const x = parseInt(x_y.split(",")[0]); const y = parseInt(x_y.split(",")[1]); this.ctx.fillStyle = hex === "null" ? "#fff" : "#" + hex; this.ctx.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1); } } private drawBlank() { if (this.blank && this.blank_ctx) { // --- blank canvas --- let canvas = this.blank; let ctx = this.blank_ctx; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); for (const [x_y, hex] of this.allPixels) { if (hex !== "null") continue; const x = parseInt(x_y.split(",")[0]); const y = parseInt(x_y.split(",")[1]); ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,140,0,0.5)"; ctx.fillRect(x, y, 1, 1); } } } setSize(width: number, height: number) { console.log("[CanvasRenderer] Received size set", { width, height }); this.dimentions = { width, height }; if (this.canvas) { this.canvas.width = width; this.canvas.height = height; } if (this.blank) { this.blank.width = width; this.blank.height = height; } this.tryDrawFull(); this.emit("ready"); } }