import { Header } from "./Header"; import { AppContext, useAppContext } from "../contexts/AppContext"; import { CanvasWrapper } from "./CanvasWrapper"; import { TemplateContext } from "../contexts/TemplateContext"; import { SettingsSidebar } from "./Settings/SettingsSidebar"; import { DebugModal } from "./Debug/DebugModal"; import { ToolbarWrapper } from "./Toolbar/ToolbarWrapper"; import React, { lazy, useEffect } from "react"; import { ChatContext } from "../contexts/ChatContext"; import "react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css"; import { ToastContainer } from "react-toastify"; const Chat = lazy(() => import("./Chat/Chat")); console.log("Client init with version " + __COMMIT_HASH__); const DynamicallyLoadChat = () => { const { loadChat } = useAppContext(); return {loadChat && }; }; // get access to context data const AppInner = () => { return ( <>
{/* */} ); }; const App = () => { useEffect(() => { // detect auth callback for chat, regardless of it being loaded // callback token expires quickly, so we should exchange it as quick as possible (async () => { const params = new URLSearchParams(; if (params.has("loginToken")) { // login button opens a new tab that redirects here // if we're that tab, we should try to close this tab when we're done // should work because this tab is opened by JS const shouldCloseWindow = window.location.pathname.startsWith("/chat_callback"); // token provided by matrix's /sso/redirect const token = params.get("loginToken")!; // immediately remove from url to prevent reloading window.history.replaceState({}, "", "/"); const loginReq = await fetch( `https://${import.meta.env.VITE_MATRIX_HOST}/_matrix/client/v3/login`, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ type: "m.login.token", token, }), } ); const loginRes = await loginReq.json(); console.log("[Chat] Matrix login", loginReq.status); switch (loginReq.status) { case 200: { // success console.log("[Chat] Logged in successfully", loginRes); localStorage.setItem( "matrix.access_token", loginRes.access_token + "" ); localStorage.setItem("matrix.device_id", loginRes.device_id + ""); localStorage.setItem("matrix.user_id", loginRes.user_id + ""); if (shouldCloseWindow) { console.log( "[Chat] Path matches autoclose, attempting to close window..." ); window.close(); alert("You can close this window and return to the other tab :)"); } else { console.log( "[Chat] Path doesn't match autoclose, not doing anything" ); } break; } case 400: case 403: console.log("[Chat] Matrix login", loginRes); alert( "[Chat] Failed to login\n" + loginRes.errcode + " " + loginRes.error ); break; case 429: alert( "[Chat] Failed to login, ratelimited.\nTry again in " + Math.floor(loginRes.retry_after_ms / 1000) + "s\n" + loginRes.errcode + " " + loginRes.error ); break; default: alert( "Error " + loginReq.status + " returned when trying to login to chat" ); } } })(); }, []); return ( ); }; export default App;