import { CanvasConfig } from "@sc07-canvas/lib/src/net"; import { prisma } from "./prisma"; import { Redis } from "./redis"; class Canvas { private CANVAS_SIZE: [number, number]; constructor() { this.CANVAS_SIZE = [100, 100]; } getCanvasConfig(): CanvasConfig { return { size: this.CANVAS_SIZE, zoom: 7, pixel: { cooldown: 60, multiplier: 3, maxStack: 6, }, }; } /** * Latest database pixels -> Redis */ async pixelsToRedis() { const redis = await Redis.getClient(); const key = Redis.keyRef("pixelColor"); for (let x = 0; x < this.CANVAS_SIZE[0]; x++) { for (let y = 0; y < this.CANVAS_SIZE[1]; y++) { const pixel = await prisma.pixel.findFirst({ where: { x, y, }, orderBy: [ { createdAt: "asc", }, ], }); await redis.set(key(x, y), pixel?.color || "transparent"); } } } /** * Redis pixels -> single Redis comma separated list of hex * @returns 1D array of pixel values */ async canvasToRedis() { const redis = await Redis.getClient(); const pixels: string[] = []; for (let x = 0; x < this.CANVAS_SIZE[0]; x++) { for (let y = 0; y < this.CANVAS_SIZE[1]; y++) { pixels.push( (await redis.get(Redis.key("pixelColor", x, y))) || "transparent" ); } } await redis.set(Redis.key("canvas"), pixels.join(","), { EX: 60 * 5 }); return pixels; } /** * force an update at a specific position */ async updateCanvasRedisAtPos(x: number, y: number) { const redis = await Redis.getClient(); const pixels: string[] = ( (await redis.get(Redis.key("canvas"))) || "" ).split(","); pixels[this.CANVAS_SIZE[0] * y + x] = (await redis.get(Redis.key("pixelColor", x, y))) || "transparent"; await redis.set(Redis.key("canvas"), pixels.join(","), { EX: 60 * 5 }); } async getPixelsArray() { const redis = await Redis.getClient(); if (await redis.exists(Redis.key("canvas"))) { const cached = await redis.get(Redis.key("canvas")); return cached!.split(","); } return await this.canvasToRedis(); } async setPixel(user: { sub: string }, x: number, y: number, hex: string) { const redis = await Redis.getClient(); await prisma.pixel.create({ data: { userId: user.sub, color: hex, x, y, }, }); await prisma.user.update({ where: { sub: user.sub }, data: { lastPixelTime: new Date() }, }); await redis.set(`CANVAS:PIXELS[${x},${y}]:COLOR`, hex); // maybe only update specific element? // i don't think it needs to be awaited await this.updateCanvasRedisAtPos(x, y); } } export default new Canvas();