import EventEmitter from "eventemitter3"; import { EnforceObjectType } from "./utils"; interface IKeybind { key: KeyboardEvent["code"] | "LCLICK" | "RCLICK" | "MCLICK"; alt?: boolean; ctrl?: boolean; meta?: boolean; shift?: boolean; } interface EmittedKeybind { clientX: number; clientY: number; } export const enforceObjectType: EnforceObjectType = (v) => v; const KEYBINDS = enforceObjectType({ PIXEL_WHOIS: { key: "LCLICK", shift: true, }, }); class KeybindManager_ extends EventEmitter<{ [k in keyof typeof KEYBINDS]: (args: EmittedKeybind) => void; }> { constructor() { super(); // setup listeners document.addEventListener("keyup", this.handleKeyup); document.addEventListener("click", this.handleClick); } destroy() { // remove listeners // this is global and doesn't depend on any elements, so this shouldn't need to be called } handleKeyup = (e: KeyboardEvent) => { // discard if in an input element const blacklistedElements = ["INPUT"]; if ( instanceof HTMLElement) { if (blacklistedElements.indexOf( > -1) { return; } } let isHandled = this.handleInteraction( { key: e.code, alt: e.altKey, ctrl: e.ctrlKey, meta: e.metaKey, shift: e.shiftKey, }, { clientX: -1, clientY: -1, } ); if (isHandled) e.preventDefault(); }; handleClick = (e: MouseEvent) => { let button: "LCLICK" | "RCLICK" | "MCLICK" = ["LCLICK", "MCLICK", "RCLICK"][ e.button ] as any; let isHandled = this.handleInteraction( { key: button, alt: e.altKey, ctrl: e.ctrlKey, meta: e.metaKey, shift: e.shiftKey, }, { clientX: e.clientX, clientY: e.clientY, } ); if (isHandled) e.preventDefault(); }; /** * Handle interaction * @param key * @returns if handled */ handleInteraction(key: IKeybind, emit: EmittedKeybind): boolean { let isHandled = false; for (const [name_, keybind] of Object.entries(KEYBINDS)) { const name: keyof typeof KEYBINDS = name_ as any; if (keybind.key !== key.key) continue; if (typeof keybind.alt !== "undefined" && keybind.alt !== key.alt) continue; if (typeof keybind.ctrl !== "undefined" && keybind.ctrl !== key.ctrl) continue; if (typeof keybind.meta !== "undefined" && keybind.meta !== key.meta) continue; if (typeof keybind.shift !== "undefined" && keybind.shift !== key.shift) continue; this.emit(name, emit); isHandled = true; } return isHandled; } getKeybind(key: keyof typeof KEYBINDS) { return KEYBINDS[key]; } } export const KeybindManager = new KeybindManager_();