import client, { register } from "prom-client"; import { prisma } from "./prisma"; import e from "express"; import { SocketServer } from "./SocketServer"; import Canvas from "./Canvas"; import { Redis } from "./redis"; client.collectDefaultMetrics({ labels: process.env.NODE_APP_INSTANCE ? { NODE_APP_INSTANCE: process.env.NODE_APP_INSTANCE, } : {}, }); export const PixelCount = new client.Gauge({ name: "pixel_count", help: "total pixel count", async collect() { this.set(await prisma.pixel.count()); }, }); export const UserCount = new client.Gauge({ name: "user_count", help: "total user count", async collect() { this.set(await prisma.user.count()); }, }); export const InstanceCount = new client.Gauge({ name: "instance_count", help: "total number of unique instances", async collect() { this.set(await prisma.instance.count()); }, }); export const OnlineUsers = new client.Gauge({ name: "connected_count", help: "total connected sockets", async collect() { this.set((await; }, }); /** * Rough estimate of filled pixels */ export const FilledPixels = new client.Gauge({ name: "filled_pixels", help: "total number of filled pixels", async collect() { const [width, height] = Canvas.getCanvasConfig().size; const filledPixels = await prisma.pixel.findMany({ where: { x: { gte: 0, lt: width, }, y: { gte: 0, lt: height, }, isTop: true, }, }); this.set(filledPixels.length); }, }); export const TotalPixels = new client.Gauge({ name: "total_pixels", help: "total number of pixels the canvas allows", async collect() { const [width, height] = Canvas.getCanvasConfig().size; this.set(width * height); }, }); export const handleMetricsEndpoint = async ( req: e.Request, res: e.Response ) => { if (!process.env.PROMETHEUS_TOKEN) { res.status(500); res.send("PROMETHEUS_TOKEN is not set."); return; } if (req.headers.authorization !== "Bearer " + process.env.PROMETHEUS_TOKEN) { res.status(401); res.send("Invalid bearer token"); return; } res.setHeader("Content-Type", register.contentType); res.send(await register.metrics()); res.end(); };