import crypto from "node:crypto"; import path from "node:path"; import { Worker, WorkerOptions } from "node:worker_threads"; import { getLogger } from "../lib/Logger"; const Logger = getLogger("WORKER_ROOT"); export const CACHE_WORKERS = process.env.CACHE_WORKERS ? parseInt(process.env.CACHE_WORKERS) || 1 : 1; export const spawnWorker = (file: string, wkOpts: WorkerOptions = {}) => { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") { // when compiled we no longer need ts-node as it's already raw JS // replace the file extension so it can load it directly file = path.join(__dirname, file.replace(".ts", ".js")); return new Worker(file, wkOpts); } else { // when in development we just have TS files // this loads TS dynamically when the worker is created // wkOpts.eval = true; if (!wkOpts.workerData) { wkOpts.workerData = {}; } wkOpts.workerData.__filename = path.join(__dirname, file); return new Worker( ` const wk = require('worker_threads'); require('ts-node').register(); let file = wk.workerData.__filename; delete wk.workerData.__filename; require(file); `, wkOpts ); } }; // not used as of right now // dedicated worker threads for specific tasks would go here const AllWorkers: { [k: string]: Worker } = {}; const cacheWorkers: Worker[] = []; /** * Return consistent worker ID for the specified coordinates * @param x * @param y * @returns */ export const getCacheWorkerIdForCoords = (x: number, y: number): number => { const key = (x + y) % cacheWorkers.length; return key; }; /** * Return consistent worker for the specified coordinates * @param x * @param y * @returns */ export const getCacheWorkerForCoords = (x: number, y: number): Worker => { return cacheWorkers[getCacheWorkerIdForCoords(x, y)]; }; /** * Spawns cache workers * * Promise resolves when all of them are alive * * @param num */ export const spawnCacheWorkers = async (num?: number): Promise => { if (typeof num === "undefined") { // if the function isn't told, use the environment variables num = CACHE_WORKERS; }`Spawning ${num} cache workers...`); const pending: Promise[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) { const worker = spawnWorker("canvas_cache"); pending.push( new Promise((res) => { worker.on("online", () => {`Canvas cache worker #${i} is now online`); worker.postMessage({ type: "id", workerId: i }); res(undefined); }); }) ); worker.on("error", (err) => { Logger.error(`Canvas cache worker #${i} has errored`); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(err); }); worker.on("exit", (exit) => { Logger.warn(`Canvas cache worker #${i} has exited ${exit}`); const index = cacheWorkers.indexOf(worker); if (index > -1) { cacheWorkers.splice(index, 1);`Removed dead worker #${i} from pool`); } }); setupWorkerCallback(worker); cacheWorkers.push(worker); } await Promise.allSettled(pending);`Successfully spawned ${num} cache workers`); }; export const getCanvasCacheWorker = () => { return cacheWorkers[Math.floor(Math.random() * cacheWorkers.length)]; }; const cacheWorkerQueue: { [k: string]: () => any } = {}; /** * Prometheus metrics * @returns */ export const getCacheWorkerQueueLength = () => Object.keys(cacheWorkerQueue).length; const setupWorkerCallback = (worker: Worker) => { worker.on("message", (message: { type: "callback"; callbackId: number }) => { if (message.type !== "callback") return; const callback = cacheWorkerQueue[message.callbackId]; if (!callback) { Logger.warn( "Received callback message from worker, but no callbacks are waiting " + message.callbackId ); return; } callback(); delete cacheWorkerQueue[message.callbackId]; }); }; export const callCacheWorker = (type: string, data: any) => { return new Promise((res) => { const callbackId = crypto.randomUUID(); cacheWorkerQueue[callbackId] = () => { res(); clearTimeout(watchdog); }; const watchdog = setTimeout(() => { Logger.error( `Callback for ${type} ${callbackId} has taken too long, is it dead?` ); }, 10000); const worker = getCanvasCacheWorker(); worker.postMessage({, type, callbackId, }); }); }; export const callWorkerMethod = (worker: Worker, type: string, data: any) => { return new Promise((res) => { const callbackId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999);`Calling worker method ${type} ${callbackId}`); const handleMessage = (message: { type: "callback"; callbackId: number; }) => { if (message.type !== "callback") return; if (message.callbackId !== callbackId) return;`Finished worker call ${type} ${callbackId}`); res();"message", handleMessage); }; worker.on("message", handleMessage); worker.postMessage({, type, callbackId, }); }); }; for (const [name, worker] of Object.entries(AllWorkers)) { worker.on("online", () => {`${name} worker is now online`); }); worker.on("exit", (exitCode) => { Logger.warn(`${name} worker has exited ${exitCode}`); }); worker.on("error", (err) => { Logger.warn(`${name} worker has errored ${err.message}`); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error(err); }); }