import { Ban, User as UserDB } from "@prisma/client"; import { CanvasLib } from "@sc07-canvas/lib"; import { AuthSession, ClientToServerEvents, IAlert, ServerToClientEvents, } from "@sc07-canvas/lib/src/net"; import { Socket } from ""; import { getLogger } from "../lib/Logger"; import { prisma } from "../lib/prisma"; import { getClientConfig } from "../lib/SocketServer"; import { ConditionalPromise } from "../lib/utils"; import { Instance } from "./Instance"; const Logger = getLogger(); /** * Represents a user ban * * Has implementation in here for making instance bans retroactive, * but at time of writing, instance bans will only block new users */ export type IUserBan = { id: number; expires: Date; publicNote: string | null; } & ( | { type: "user"; } | { type: "instance"; hostname: string; } ); export class User { static instances: Map = new Map(); sub: string; lastTimeGainStarted: Date; pixelStack: number; authSession?: AuthSession; undoExpires?: Date; private _ban?: IUserBan; isAdmin: boolean; isModerator: boolean; sockets: Set> = new Set(); private _updatedAt: number; private constructor(data: UserDB & { Ban: Ban | null }) { Logger.debug("User class instansiated for " + data.sub); this.sub = data.sub; this.lastTimeGainStarted = data.lastTimeGainStarted; this.pixelStack = data.pixelStack; this.undoExpires = data.undoExpires || undefined; this.isAdmin = data.isAdmin; this.isModerator = data.isModerator; this.updateBanFromUserData(data).then(() => {}); this._updatedAt =; } async update(force: boolean = false) { if (this.isStale() && !force) return; const userData = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { sub: this.sub, }, include: { Ban: true, }, }); if (!userData) throw new UserNotFound(); this.lastTimeGainStarted = userData.lastTimeGainStarted; this.pixelStack = userData.pixelStack; this.undoExpires = userData.undoExpires || undefined; this.isAdmin = userData.isAdmin; this.isModerator = userData.isModerator; await this.updateBanFromUserData(userData); } private async updateBanFromUserData(userData: UserDB & { Ban: Ban | null }) { if (userData.Ban) { this._ban = { id:, expires: userData.Ban.expiresAt, publicNote: userData.Ban.publicNote, type: "user", }; } else { // the code below is for making instance bans retroactive // // const instance = await this.getInstance(); // const instanceBan = await instance.getEffectiveBan(); // if (instanceBan) { // this.ban = { // id:, // expires: instanceBan.expiresAt, // publicNote: instanceBan.publicNote, // type: "instance", // hostname: instanceBan.hostname, // }; // } } } async getInstance(): Promise { const [_local, hostname] = this.sub.split("@"); return await Instance.fromDomain(hostname); } async modifyStack(modifyBy: number): Promise { let new_date = new Date(); if (modifyBy > 0) { let cooldown_to_add = 0.0; for (let i = 0; i < modifyBy; i++) { cooldown_to_add += CanvasLib.getPixelCooldown( this.pixelStack + i + 1, getClientConfig() ); } new_date = new Date( this.lastTimeGainStarted.valueOf() + cooldown_to_add * 1000 ); } else if (modifyBy < 0) { const cooldown_before_change_s = CanvasLib.getPixelCooldown( this.pixelStack + 1, getClientConfig() ); const cooldown_after_change_s = CanvasLib.getPixelCooldown( this.pixelStack + 1 + modifyBy, getClientConfig() ); const would_gain_next_at_timestamp_ms = this.lastTimeGainStarted.valueOf() + cooldown_before_change_s * 1000; const time_before_next = would_gain_next_at_timestamp_ms -; // To avoid issue if a negative value is present for some reason if (time_before_next > 0) { if (time_before_next < cooldown_after_change_s * 1000) { new_date = new Date( - cooldown_after_change_s * 1000 + time_before_next ); } } } const updatedUser = await prisma.user.update({ where: { sub: this.sub }, data: { pixelStack: { increment: modifyBy }, lastTimeGainStarted: new_date, }, }); for (const socket of this.sockets) { socket.emit("availablePixels", updatedUser.pixelStack); socket.emit("pixelLastPlaced", updatedUser.lastTimeGainStarted.getTime()); } // we just modified the user data, so we should force an update await this.update(true); } /** * Set undoExpires in database and notify all user's sockets of undo ttl */ async setUndo(expires?: Date) { if (expires) { // expiration being set await prisma.user.update({ where: { sub: this.sub }, data: { undoExpires: expires, }, }); for (const socket of this.sockets) { socket.emit("undo", { available: true, expireAt: expires.getTime() }); } } else { // clear undo capability await prisma.user.update({ where: { sub: this.sub }, data: { undoExpires: undefined, }, }); for (const socket of this.sockets) { socket.emit("undo", { available: false }); } } await this.update(true); } /** * Sends packet to all user's sockets with current standing information */ updateStanding() { const ban = this.getBan(); if (ban) { for (const socket of this.sockets) { socket.emit("standing", { banned: true, until: ban.expires.toISOString(), reason: ban.publicNote || undefined, }); } } else { for (const socket of this.sockets) { socket.emit("standing", { banned: false }); } } } getBan( update: DoUpdate = false as DoUpdate ): ConditionalPromise { if (update) { return new Promise((res, rej) => { prisma.user .findFirst({ where: { sub: this.sub, }, include: { Ban: true, }, }) .then((user) => { if (!user?.Ban) { return res(undefined); } this._ban = { type: "user", id:, expires: user.Ban.expiresAt, publicNote: user.Ban.publicNote, }; res(this._ban); }) .catch(rej); }) as any; } else { return this._ban as any; } } async ban( expires: Date, publicNote: string | null | undefined, privateNote: string | null | undefined ) { const ban = await prisma.ban.upsert({ where: { userId: this.sub, }, create: { userId: this.sub, expiresAt: expires, publicNote, privateNote, }, update: { userId: this.sub, expiresAt: expires, publicNote, privateNote, }, }); this._ban = { id:, type: "user", expires, publicNote: publicNote || null, }; return ban; } async unban() { const existing = await this.getBan(true); if (!existing) throw new UserNotBanned(); const ban = await prisma.ban.delete({ where: { id: }, }); return ban; } /** * Notifies all sockets for this user of a message * @param alert */ notify(alert: IAlert) { for (const socket of this.sockets) { socket.emit("alert", alert); } } async trackIP(ip: string) { await prisma.iPAddress.upsert({ where: { ip_userSub: { ip, userSub: this.sub, }, }, create: { ip, userSub: this.sub, lastUsedAt: new Date(), }, update: { ip, userSub: this.sub, lastUsedAt: new Date(), }, }); } /** * Determine if this user data is stale and should be updated * @see User#update * @returns if this user data is stale */ private isStale() { return - this._updatedAt >= 1000 * 60; } static async fromAuthSession(auth: AuthSession): Promise { try { const user = await this.fromSub( auth.user.username + "@" + auth.service.instance.hostname ); user.authSession = auth; return user; } catch (e) { if (e instanceof UserNotFound) { return undefined; } else { throw e; } } } static async fromSub(sub: string): Promise { if (this.instances.has(sub)) return this.instances.get(sub)!; const userData = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { sub, }, include: { Ban: true, }, }); if (!userData) throw new UserNotFound(); const newUser = new User(userData); this.instances.set(sub, newUser); return newUser; } } export class UserNotFound extends Error { constructor() { super(); = "UserNotFound"; } } export class UserNotBanned extends Error { constructor() { super(); = "UserNotBanned"; } }