import { Pixel } from "@prisma/client"; import { CanvasConfig, ClientToServerEvents, ServerToClientEvents, } from "@sc07-canvas/lib/src/net"; import { Socket } from ""; import { callCacheWorker, getCacheWorkerIdForCoords } from "../workers/worker"; import { getLogger } from "./Logger"; import { LogMan } from "./LogMan"; import { prisma } from "./prisma"; import { Redis } from "./redis"; import { SocketServer } from "./SocketServer"; const Logger = getLogger("CANVAS"); const canvasSectionSize = [100, 100]; // TODO: config maybe? class Canvas { /** * Size of the canvas */ private canvasSize: [width: number, height: number]; private isFrozen: boolean; constructor() { this.canvasSize = [100, 100]; this.isFrozen = false; } getCanvasConfig(): CanvasConfig { return { size: this.canvasSize, frozen: this.isFrozen, zoom: 7, pixel: { cooldown: 30, multiplier: 3, maxStack: 6, }, undo: { grace_period: 5000, }, }; } get frozen() { return this.isFrozen; } async setFrozen(frozen: boolean) { this.isFrozen = frozen; await prisma.setting.upsert({ where: { key: "canvas.frozen" }, create: { key: "canvas.frozen", value: JSON.stringify(frozen), }, update: { key: "canvas.frozen", value: JSON.stringify(frozen), }, }); if (SocketServer.instance) { SocketServer.instance.broadcastConfig(); } else { Logger.warn( "[Canvas#setFrozen] SocketServer is not instantiated, cannot broadcast config" ); } } /** * Change size of the canvas * * @param width * @param height */ async setSize(width: number, height: number, useStatic = false) { if (useStatic) { this.canvasSize = [width, height]; return; } const now =;"[Canvas#setSize] has started", { old: this.canvasSize, new: [width, height], }); this.canvasSize = [width, height]; await prisma.setting.upsert({ where: { key: "canvas.size" }, create: { key: "canvas.size", value: JSON.stringify({ width, height }), }, update: { key: "canvas.size", value: JSON.stringify({ width, height }), }, }); // update cached canvas chunks await this.canvasToRedis(); // this gets called on startup, before the SocketServer is initialized // so only call if it's available if (SocketServer.instance) { // announce the new config, which contains the canvas size SocketServer.instance.broadcastConfig(); // announce all canvas chunks"clearCanvasChunks"); await this.broadcastCanvasChunks(); } else { Logger.warn( "[Canvas#setSize] No SocketServer instance, cannot broadcast config change" ); } "[Canvas#setSize] has finished in " + (( - now) / 1000).toFixed(1) + " seconds" ); } async sendCanvasChunksToSocket( socket: Socket ) { await this.getAllChunks((start, end, data) => { socket.emit("canvas", start, end, data.split(",")); }); } async broadcastCanvasChunks() { await this.getAllChunks((start, end, data) => {"canvas", start, end, data.split(",")); }); } async getAllChunks( chunkCallback: ( start: [x: number, y: number], end: [x: number, y: number], data: string ) => any ) { const redis = await Redis.getClient(); const pending: Promise[] = []; for (let x = 0; x < this.canvasSize[0]; x += canvasSectionSize[0]) { for (let y = 0; y < this.canvasSize[1]; y += canvasSectionSize[1]) { const start: [number, number] = [x, y]; const end: [number, number] = [ x + canvasSectionSize[0], y + canvasSectionSize[1], ]; pending.push( new Promise((res) => { redis .get(Redis.key("canvas_section", start, end)) .then((value): any => { chunkCallback(start, end, value || ""); res(); }); }) ); } } await Promise.allSettled(pending); } async forceUpdatePixelIsTop() { const now =;"[Canvas#forceUpdatePixelIsTop] is starting..."); for (let x = 0; x < this.canvasSize[0]; x++) { for (let y = 0; y < this.canvasSize[1]; y++) { const pixel = ( await prisma.pixel.findMany({ where: { x, y, deletedAt: null }, orderBy: { createdAt: "desc", }, take: 1, }) )?.[0]; if (pixel) { await prisma.pixel.update({ where: { id:, }, data: { isTop: true, }, }); } } } "[Canvas#forceUpdatePixelIsTop] has finished in " + (( - now) / 1000).toFixed(1) + " seconds" ); } /** * Undo a pixel * @throws Error "Pixel is not on top" * @param pixel * @returns the pixel that now exists at that location */ async undoPixel(pixel: Pixel): Promise { if (!pixel.isTop) throw new Error("Pixel is not on top"); await prisma.pixel.update({ where: { id: }, data: { deletedAt: new Date(), isTop: false, }, }); const coveringPixel: Pixel | undefined = ( await prisma.pixel.findMany({ where: { x: pixel.x, y: pixel.y, createdAt: { lt: pixel.createdAt }, deletedAt: null, // undone pixels will have this set }, orderBy: { createdAt: "desc" }, take: 1, }) )?.[0]; if (coveringPixel) { await prisma.pixel.update({ where: { id: }, data: { isTop: true, }, }); } LogMan.log("pixel_undo", pixel.userId, { x: pixel.x, y: pixel.y, hex: coveringPixel?.color, }); return coveringPixel; } /** * Chunks canvas pixels and caches chunks in redis * * @worker * @returns */ async canvasToRedis(): Promise { const start =; const pending: Promise[] = []; for (let x = 0; x < this.canvasSize[0]; x += canvasSectionSize[0]) { for (let y = 0; y < this.canvasSize[1]; y += canvasSectionSize[1]) { pending.push( callCacheWorker("cache", { start: [x, y], end: [x + canvasSectionSize[0], y + canvasSectionSize[1]], }) ); } } await Promise.allSettled(pending); `Finished canvasToRedis() in ${(( - start) / 1000).toFixed(2)}s` ); } /** * force an update at a specific position */ async updateCanvasRedisAtPos(x: number, y: number) { const redis = await Redis.getClient(); const dbpixel = await this.getPixel(x, y); // ensure pixels in the same location are always in the same queue const workerId = getCacheWorkerIdForCoords(x, y); // queue canvas writes in redis to avoid memory issues in badly written queue code redis.lPush( Redis.key("canvas_cache_write_queue", workerId), x + "," + y + "," + (dbpixel?.color || "transparent") ); } async updateCanvasRedisWithBatch( pixelBatch: { x: number; y: number; hex: string }[] ) { const redis = await Redis.getClient(); for (const pixel of pixelBatch) { // ensure pixels in the same location are always in the same queue const workerId = getCacheWorkerIdForCoords(pixel.x, pixel.y); // queue canvas writes in redis redis.lPush( Redis.key("canvas_cache_write_queue", workerId), [pixel.x, pixel.y, pixel.hex].join(",") ); } } /** * Get if a pixel is maybe empty * @param x * @param y * @returns */ async isPixelEmpty(x: number, y: number) { const pixel = await this.getPixel(x, y); return pixel === null; } async getPixel(x: number, y: number) { return await prisma.pixel.findFirst({ where: { x, y, isTop: true, }, }); } /** * Undo an area of pixels * @param start * @param end * @returns */ async undoArea(start: [x: number, y: number], end: [x: number, y: number]) { const now =;"Starting undo area..."); const pixels = await prisma.pixel.findMany({ where: { x: { gte: start[0], lt: end[0], }, y: { gte: start[1], lt: end[1], }, isTop: true, }, }); const returns = await Promise.allSettled( => this.undoPixel(pixel)) ); await this.canvasToRedis(); "Finished undo area in " + (( - now) / 1000).toFixed(2) + "s" ); return, i) => { const pixel = pixels[i]; return { pixel: { x: pixel.x, y: pixel.y }, ...val, }; }); } async fillArea( user: { sub: string }, start: [x: number, y: number], end: [x: number, y: number], hex: string ) { await prisma.pixel.updateMany({ where: { x: { gte: start[0], lt: end[0], }, y: { gte: start[1], lt: end[1], }, isTop: true, }, data: { isTop: false, }, }); const pixels: { x: number; y: number; }[] = []; for (let x = start[0]; x <= end[0]; x++) { for (let y = start[1]; y <= end[1]; y++) { pixels.push({ x, y, }); } } await prisma.pixel.createMany({ data: => ({ userId: user.sub, color: hex, isTop: true, isModAction: true, ...px, })), }); await this.updateCanvasRedisWithBatch( => ({ ...px, hex, })) ); LogMan.log("mod_fill", user.sub, { from: start, to: end, hex }); } async setPixel( user: { sub: string }, x: number, y: number, hex: string, isModAction: boolean ) { // only one pixel can be on top at (x,y) await prisma.pixel.updateMany({ where: { x, y, isTop: true }, data: { isTop: false, }, }); await prisma.pixel.create({ data: { userId: user.sub, color: hex, x, y, isTop: true, isModAction, }, }); // maybe only update specific element? // i don't think it needs to be awaited await this.updateCanvasRedisAtPos(x, y);`${user.sub} placed pixel at (${x}, ${y})`); LogMan.log(isModAction ? "mod_override" : "pixel_place", user.sub, { x, y, hex, }); } /** * Force a pixel to be updated in redis * @param x * @param y */ async refreshPixel(x: number, y: number) { // find if any pixels exist at this spot, and pick the most recent one const pixel = await this.getPixel(x, y); let paletteColorID = -1; // if pixel exists in redis if (pixel) { paletteColorID = (await prisma.paletteColor.findFirst({ where: { hex: pixel.color }, }))!.id; } await this.updateCanvasRedisAtPos(x, y); // announce to everyone the pixel's color // using -1 if no pixel is there anymore"pixel", { x, y, color: paletteColorID, }); } /** * Generate heatmap of active pixels * * @note expensive operation, takes a bit to execute * @returns 2 character strings with 0-100 in radix 36 (depends on canvas size) */ async generateHeatmap() { const redis_set = await Redis.getClient("MAIN"); const now =; const minimumDate = new Date(); minimumDate.setHours(minimumDate.getHours() - 3); // 3 hours ago const pad = (str: string) => (str.length < 2 ? "0" : "") + str; const heatmap: string[] = []; const topPixels = await prisma.pixel.findMany({ where: { isTop: true, createdAt: { gte: minimumDate } }, }); for (let y = 0; y < this.canvasSize[1]; y++) { const arr: number[] = []; for (let x = 0; x < this.canvasSize[0]; x++) { const pixel = topPixels.find((px) => px.x === x && px.y === y); if (pixel) { arr.push( ((1 - (now - pixel.createdAt.getTime()) / (now - minimumDate.getTime())) * 100) >> 0 ); } else { arr.push(0); } } heatmap.push( => pad(num.toString(36))).join("")); } const heatmapStr = heatmap.join(""); // cache for 5 minutes await redis_set.setEx(Redis.key("heatmap"), 60 * 5, heatmapStr); // notify anyone interested about the new heatmap await redis_set.publish(Redis.key("channel_heatmap"), heatmapStr); //"sub:heatmap").emit("heatmap", heatmapStr); return heatmapStr; } /** * Get cache heatmap safely * @returns see Canvas#generateHeatmap */ async getCachedHeatmap(): Promise { const redis = await Redis.getClient(); if (!(await redis.exists(Redis.key("heatmap")))) { Logger.warn("Canvas#getCachedHeatmap has no cached heatmap"); return undefined; } return (await redis.get(Redis.key("heatmap"))) as string; } } export default new Canvas();