import { Socket, io } from ""; import EventEmitter from "eventemitter3"; import { AuthSession, ClientConfig, ClientToServerEvents, IAccountStanding, Pixel, ServerToClientEvents, Subscription, } from "@sc07-canvas/lib/src/net"; import { toast } from "react-toastify"; import { handleAlert, handleDismiss } from "./alerts"; import { Recaptcha } from "./recaptcha"; export interface INetworkEvents { connected: () => void; disconnected: () => void; user: (user: AuthSession) => void; standing: (standing: IAccountStanding) => void; config: (user: ClientConfig) => void; canvas: ( start: [x: number, y: number], end: [x: number, y: number], pixels: string[] ) => void; pixels: (data: { available: number }) => void; pixelLastPlaced: (time: number) => void; online: (count: number) => void; pixel: (pixel: Pixel) => void; square: ( start: [x: number, y: number], end: [x: number, y: number], color: number ) => void; undo: ( data: { available: false } | { available: true; expireAt: number } ) => void; heatmap: (heatmap: string) => void; } type SentEventValue = EventEmitter.ArgumentMap< Exclude >[Extract]; class Network extends EventEmitter { socket: Socket = io("", { autoConnect: false, withCredentials: true, reconnection: true, }); private online_count = 0; private stateEvents: { [key in keyof INetworkEvents]?: SentEventValue; } = {}; private canvasChunks: { start: [number, number]; end: [number, number]; pixels: string[]; }[] = []; constructor() { super(); this.socket.on("connect", () => { console.log("Connected to server"); toast.success("Connected to server"); this.emit("connected"); }); this.socket.on("connect_error", (err) => { // TODO: proper error handling console.error("Failed to connect to server", err); toast.error("Failed to connect: " + (err.message ||; }); this.socket.on("disconnect", (reason, desc) => { console.log("Disconnected from server", reason, desc); toast.warn("Disconnected from server"); this.emit("disconnected"); });"reconnect", (attempt) => { console.log("Reconnected to server on attempt " + attempt); });"reconnect_attempt", (attempt) => { console.log("Reconnect attempt " + attempt); });"reconnect_error", (err) => { console.log("Reconnect error", err); });"reconnect_failed", () => { console.log("Reconnect failed"); }); this.socket.on("recaptcha", (site_key) => { Recaptcha.load(site_key); }); this.socket.on("recaptcha_challenge", (ack) => { Recaptcha.executeChallenge(ack); }); this.socket.on("user", (user) => { this.emit("user", user); }); this.socket.on("standing", (standing) => { this.acceptState("standing", standing); }); this.socket.on("config", (config) => {"Server sent config", config); if (config.version !== __COMMIT_HASH__) {"Client version does not match server, reloading..."); console.warn("Client version does not match server, reloading...", { clientVersion: __COMMIT_HASH__, serverVersion: config.version, }); window.location.reload(); } this.emit("config", config); }); this.socket.on("canvas", (start, end, pixels) => { // this.acceptState("canvas", start, end, pixels); this.emit("canvas", start, end, pixels); this.canvasChunks.push({ start, end, pixels }); }); this.socket.on("clearCanvasChunks", () => { this.canvasChunks = []; }); this.socket.on("availablePixels", (count) => { this.acceptState("pixels", { available: count }); }); this.socket.on("pixelLastPlaced", (time) => { this.acceptState("pixelLastPlaced", time); }); this.socket.on("online", ({ count }) => { this.acceptState("online", count); }); this.socket.on("pixel", (pixel) => { this.emit("pixel", pixel); }); this.socket.on("square", (...square) => { this.emit("square", ...square); }); this.socket.on("undo", (undo) => { this.emit("undo", undo); }); this.socket.on("heatmap", (heatmap) => { this.emit("heatmap", heatmap); }); this.socket.on("alert", handleAlert); this.socket.on("alert_dismiss", handleDismiss); } subscribe(subscription: Subscription) { this.socket.emit("subscribe", subscription); } unsubscribe(subscription: Subscription) { this.socket.emit("unsubscribe", subscription); } /** * Track events that we only care about the most recent version of * * Used by #waitFor * * @param event * @param args * @returns */ acceptState: typeof this.emit = (event, ...args) => { this.stateEvents[event] = args; return this.emit(event, ...args); }; /** * Discard the existing state-like event, if it exists in cache * @param ev */ clearPreviousState( ev: Ev ) { delete this.stateEvents[ev]; } getCanvasChunks() { return this.canvasChunks; } /** * Wait for event, either being already sent, or new one * * Used for state-like events * * @param ev * @returns */ waitForState( ev: Ev ): Promise> { return new Promise((res) => { if (this.stateEvents[ev]) return res(this.stateEvents[ev]!); this.once(ev, ( => { res(data); }); }); } /** * Get current value of state event * @param event * @returns */ getState( event: Ev ): SentEventValue | undefined { return this.stateEvents[event]; } /** * Get online user count * @returns online users count */ getOnline() { return this.online_count; } } export default new Network() as Network;