import { PropsWithChildren, createContext, useContext, useEffect, useRef, useState, } from "react"; import { useAppContext } from "./AppContext"; import { toast } from "react-toastify"; interface IMatrixUser { userId: string; } export interface IChatContext { user?: IMatrixUser; notificationCount: number; doLogin: () => void; doLogout: () => Promise; } const chatContext = createContext({} as any); export const useChatContext = () => useContext(chatContext); export const ChatContext = ({ children }: PropsWithChildren) => { const { config } = useAppContext(); const checkInterval = useRef>(); const checkNotifs = useRef>(); const [user, setUser] = useState(); const [notifs, setNotifs] = useState(0); const doLogin = () => { if (!config) { console.warn("[ChatContext#doLogin] has no config instance"); return; } if (user?.userId) { console.log("[ChatContext#doLogin] user logged in, opening element...");; return; } const redirectUrl = window.location.protocol + "//" + + "/chat_callback"; window.addEventListener("focus", handleWindowFocus); checkInterval.current = setInterval(checkForAccessToken, 500); `https://${}/_matrix/client/v3/login/sso/redirect?redirectUrl=${encodeURIComponent(redirectUrl)}`, "_blank" ); }; const doLogout = async () => { if (!config) { console.warn("[ChatContext#doLogout] has no config instance"); return; } await fetch( `https://${}/_matrix/client/v3/logout`, { method: "POST", headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + localStorage.getItem("matrix.access_token"), }, } ); localStorage.removeItem("matrix.access_token"); localStorage.removeItem("matrix.device_id"); localStorage.removeItem("matrix.user_id"); setUser(undefined); }; useEffect(() => { checkForAccessToken(); checkNotifs.current = setInterval(checkForNotifs, 1000 * 60); return () => { window.removeEventListener("focus", handleWindowFocus); if (checkInterval.current) clearInterval(checkInterval.current); if (checkNotifs.current) clearInterval(checkNotifs.current); }; }, [config?.chat]); const handleWindowFocus = () => { console.log("[Chat] Window has gained focus"); checkForAccessToken(); }; const checkForAccessToken = () => { const accessToken = localStorage.getItem("matrix.access_token"); const deviceId = localStorage.getItem("matrix.device_id"); const userId = localStorage.getItem("matrix.user_id"); if (!accessToken || !deviceId || !userId) return; // access token acquired window.removeEventListener("focus", handleWindowFocus); if (checkInterval.current) clearInterval(checkInterval.current); console.log("[Chat] access token has been acquired"); setUser({ userId }); toast.success("Logged into chat"); checkIfInGeneral(); }; const checkIfInGeneral = async () => { const generalAlias = config?.chat.general_alias; if (!generalAlias) { console.log("[ChatContext#checkIfInGeneral] no general alias in config"); return; } const accessToken = localStorage.getItem("matrix.access_token"); if (!accessToken) return; const joinReq = await fetch( `https://${}/_matrix/client/v3/join/${generalAlias}`, { method: "POST", headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ reason: "Auto-joined via Canvas client", }), } ); const joinRes = await joinReq.json(); console.log( "[ChatContext#checkIfInGeneral] auto-join general response", joinRes ); if (joinReq.status === 200) { toast.success(`Joined chat ${decodeURIComponent(generalAlias)}!`); } else if (joinReq.status === 403) { toast.error( "Failed to join general chat! " + joinRes.errcode + " - " + joinRes.error ); } else if (joinReq.status === 429) { toast.warn("Auto-join general chat got ratelimited"); } else { toast.error( "Failed to join general chat! " + joinRes.errcode + " - " + joinRes.error ); } }; const checkForNotifs = async () => { if (!config) { console.warn("[ChatContext#checkForNotifs] no config instance"); return; } const accessToken = localStorage.getItem("matrix.access_token"); if (!accessToken) return; const notifReq = await fetch( `https://${}/_matrix/client/v3/notifications?limit=10`, { headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken, }, } ); const notifRes = await notifReq.json(); const notificationCount = notifRes?.notifications?.filter((n: any) => ! || 0; setNotifs(notificationCount); }; return ( {children} ); };