import { Router } from "express"; import { prisma } from "../lib/prisma"; import { OpenID } from "../lib/oidc"; import { TokenSet, errors as OIDC_Errors } from "openid-client"; import { Logger } from "../lib/Logger"; import Canvas from "../lib/Canvas"; const ClientParams = { TYPE: "auth_type", ERROR: "auth_error", ERROR_DESC: "auth_error_desc", CAN_RETRY: "auth_retry", }; const buildQuery = (obj: { [k in keyof typeof ClientParams]?: string }) => { const params = new URLSearchParams(); for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(obj)) { const k_: keyof typeof ClientParams = k as any; params.set(ClientParams[k_], v); } return "?" + params.toString(); }; const app = Router(); app.get("/login", (req, res) => { res.redirect( OpenID.client.authorizationUrl({ prompt: "consent", scope: "openid instance", }) ); }); // TODO: logout endpoint app.get("/callback", async (req, res) => { // TODO: return proper UIs for errors intead of raw JSON (#35) // const { code } = req.query; let exchange: TokenSet; try { const params = OpenID.client.callbackParams(req); exchange = await OpenID.client.callback(OpenID.getRedirectUrl(), params); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof OIDC_Errors.RPError) { // client error res.redirect( "/" + buildQuery({ TYPE: "rp", ERROR:, ERROR_DESC: e.message, }) ); return; } if (e instanceof OIDC_Errors.OPError) { // server error switch (e.error) { case "invalid_client": // this happens when we're configured with invalid credentials Logger.error( "OpenID is improperly configured. Cannot exchange tokens, do I have valid credetials?" ); res.redirect( "/" + buildQuery({ TYPE: "op", ERROR: "Internal Server Error", ERROR_DESC: "I'm misconfigured.", }) ); return; case "invalid_grant": res.redirect( "/" + buildQuery({ TYPE: "op", ERROR: "invalid_grant", CAN_RETRY: "true", }) ); return; } res.redirect( "/" + buildQuery({ TYPE: "op", ERROR: e.error, ERROR_DESC: e.error_description, }) ); return; } res.redirect( "/" + buildQuery({ TYPE: "op", ERROR: "unknown error", ERROR_DESC: "report this", }) ); return; } if (!exchange || !exchange.access_token) { return res.status(400).json({ success: false, error: "FAILED TOKEN EXCHANGE", }); } const whoami = await OpenID.client.userinfo<{ instance: { software: { name: string; version: string; logo_uri?: string; repository?: string; homepage?: string; }; instance: { logo_uri?: string; banner_uri?: string; name?: string; }; }; }>(exchange.access_token); const [username, hostname] = whoami.sub.split("@"); const sub = [username, hostname].join("@"); await prisma.user.upsert({ where: { sub, }, update: { sub, display_name:, picture_url: whoami.picture, profile_url: whoami.profile, }, create: { sub, display_name:, picture_url: whoami.picture, profile_url: whoami.profile, }, }); await prisma.instance.upsert({ where: { hostname, }, update: { hostname, name:, logo_url: whoami.instance.instance.logo_uri, banner_url: whoami.instance.instance.banner_uri, }, create: { hostname, name:, logo_url: whoami.instance.instance.logo_uri, banner_url: whoami.instance.instance.banner_uri, }, }); req.session.user = { service: { ...whoami.instance, instance: { ...whoami.instance.instance, hostname, }, }, user: { picture_url: whoami.picture, username, }, };; res.redirect("/"); }); // TODO: Ratelimiting #40 app.get("/canvas/pixel/:x/:y", async (req, res) => { const x = parseInt(req.params.x); const y = parseInt(req.params.y); if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) { return res .status(400) .json({ success: false, error: "x or y is not a number" }); } const pixel = await Canvas.getPixel(x, y); if (!pixel) { return res.json({ success: false, error: "no_pixel" }); } const otherPixels = await prisma.pixel.count({ where: { x, y } }); const user = await prisma.user.findFirst({ where: { sub: pixel.userId } }); const instance = await prisma.instance.findFirst({ where: { hostname: pixel.userId.split("@")[1] }, }); res.json({ success: true, pixel, otherPixels: otherPixels - 1, user: user && { sub: user.sub, display_name: user.display_name, picture_url: user.picture_url, profile_url: user.profile_url, isAdmin: user.isAdmin, isModerator: user.isModerator, }, instance: instance && { hostname: instance.hostname, name:, logo_url: instance.logo_url, banner_url: instance.banner_url, }, }); }); app.get("/heatmap", async (req, res) => { const heatmap = await Canvas.getCachedHeatmap(); if (!heatmap) { return res.json({ success: false, error: "heatmap_not_generated" }); } res.json({ success: true, heatmap }); }); export default app;