* Size of the canvas
private canvasSize: [width: number, height: number];
* Change size of the canvas
* Expensive task, will take a bit
* @param width
* @param height
async setSize(width: number, height: number) {"Canvas#setSize has started", {
old: this.canvasSize,
new: [width, height],
await prisma.setting.upsert({
where: { key: "canvas.size" },
create: {
key: "canvas.size",
value: JSON.stringify({ width, height }),
update: {
key: "canvas.size",
value: JSON.stringify({ width, height }),
// we're about to use the redis keys, make sure they are all updated
await this.pixelsToRedis();
// the redis key is 1D, since the dimentions changed we need to update it
await this.canvasToRedis();
// announce the new config, which contains the canvas size
// announce new pixel array that was generated previously
await this.getPixelsArray().then((pixels) => {"canvas", pixels);
});"Canvas#setSize has finished");
* Latest database pixels -> Redis
async pixelsToRedis() {
const redis = await Redis.getClient();
for (let x = 0; x < this.canvasSize[0]; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < this.canvasSize[1]; y++) {
const pixel = await this.getPixel(x, y);
await redis.set(key(x, y), pixel?.color || "transparent");
* Redis pixels -> single Redis comma separated list of hex
* @returns 1D array of pixel values
async canvasToRedis() {
const redis = await Redis.getClient();
// (y -> x) because of how the conversion needs to be done later
// if this is inverted, the map will flip when rebuilding the cache (5 minute expiry)
// fixes #24
for (let y = 0; y < this.canvasSize[1]; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < this.canvasSize[0]; x++) {
(await redis.get(Redis.key("pixelColor", x, y))) || "transparent"
await redis.set(Redis.key("canvas"), pixels.join(","), { EX: 60 * 5 });
return pixels;
* force an update at a specific position
async updateCanvasRedisAtPos(x: number, y: number) {
const redis = await Redis.getClient();
(await redis.get(Redis.key("pixelColor", x, y))) || "transparent";
await redis.set(Redis.key("canvas"), pixels.join(","), { EX: 60 * 5 });
const redis = await Redis.getClient();
if (await redis.exists(Redis.key("canvas"))) {
const cached = await redis.get(Redis.key("canvas"));
return cached!.split(",");
return await this.canvasToRedis();
async getPixel(x: number, y: number) {
return (
await prisma.pixel.findMany({
where: {
orderBy: {
createdAt: "desc",
take: 1,
async setPixel(user: { sub: string }, x: number, y: number, hex: string) {
const redis = await Redis.getClient();
await prisma.pixel.create({
data: {
userId: user.sub,
color: hex,
await prisma.user.update({
where: { sub: user.sub },
data: { lastPixelTime: new Date() },
await redis.set(Redis.key("pixelColor", x, y), hex);
// maybe only update specific element?
// i don't think it needs to be awaited
await this.updateCanvasRedisAtPos(x, y);
* Force a pixel to be updated in redis
* @param x
* @param y
async refreshPixel(x: number, y: number) {
const redis = await Redis.getClient();
const key = Redis.key("pixelColor", x, y);
// find if any pixels exist at this spot, and pick the most recent one
const pixel = await this.getPixel(x, y);
let paletteColorID = -1;
// if pixel exists in redis
if (pixel) {
redis.set(key, pixel.color);
paletteColorID = (await prisma.paletteColor.findFirst({
where: { hex: pixel.color },
} else {
await this.updateCanvasRedisAtPos(x, y);
// announce to everyone the pixel's color
// using -1 if no pixel is there anymore"pixel", {
color: paletteColorID,